“Speaking has been my forever desire: to spread a message of what it means to succeed. To lift the veil. To motivate, but to also awaken individuals to the power that comes from within each and every one of us.

The belief I subscribed to for most of my life was that motivational speaking does not work – at least not in the long run. Corporations spend thousands of dollars to hire a speaker to motivate increase sales. Individuals like you and me flock to motivational book shelves, we read everything we can about how to have success in this life, but does anything really change?

The really great answer is that the power to change our lives for the better is within all of us. It is right there inside you and me. Not out there somewhere. Not in someone’s words that seem to just fall flat.

Modern science is now proving true what ancient cultures have taught about creation: that there is an intelligent consciousness behind all creation (the Macrocreator), and that we are an integral aspect of this creative consciousness. We are not separate from our creative source, we are one with the source. This makes us Microcreators. There is no giver of gifts. We are given the free will to create our lives.”