Awakening begins with seeing the “external world” for what it really is – an illusion, A projection of our own mind – and to become aware of Our Inner Reality, Our Inner Source, Our Only Reality. Self-Awareness thus leads to Awakening, Empowerment, and the Self Realization that Nothing perceived as External, Can Never Influence Us in Any Way, Because We Always Have Power Over Our Own Mind to Project Whatever Experience We Wish to Experience.

We are all expressions of one creative source, with the same creative powers of that source, the same powers that, as expressions of Source we all have access to without limitation – if only people know. The quality of our life experience is related to our ability to realize and express the creative power we are born with– everything is possible without limitation.

The magnificent Truth is that we are all Powerful with Infinite potential, and the only place we can discover and realize this truth is not in some external texts or set of exercises and mystical practices, but rather within ourselves.

There are no special exercises to do each day There are no religions, societies, or “orders” to join – nothing. As the Spiritual Guide who came to be known as Jesus said – “the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You” – and it is. There is absolutely nothing, “external” to us that can provide a “short cut” to the type of life you yearn to enjoy. Every single human being already has that capacity just waiting to be realized.

Neville Goddard, a famous speaker, and writer on metaphysical subjects once said. Infinite power resides in your Imagination.

He quoted:


Think about that quote for a moment, and in that moment believe that no matter what your life’s circumstance there is a creative power within you that no force is equal to, and that power can change your life NOW!

WHAT IS THIS QUOTE TELLING US? It tells us that we are one with the source of all creative power in the universe, that we can take part and become co-creators in our lives NOW!


Unfortunately, up until now we have been programmed to believe an alternate story. That we ourselves are powerless. That must depend on an outside source. That there is a giver of gifts to which we must pray. So, in time we must wait and wait for an answer to prayers that most time never show up, and that leads to more disappointment and despair.


The Goddard quote is powerful, but where else have you heard this message?

Christianity maybe?

“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”

“I and my father are one.”

Our soul or consciousness being at the same time part of the universal source for all CREATION? The biblical Holy Spirit.

What does Hinduism teach?

“Brahman and Atman are one” Atman being the individual consciousness, Brahman being the universal consciousness the creative source. Brahman is an unchanging, universal spirit or consciousness.

Atman is the individualized essence of Brahman. Atman translated as SOUL.

The source of all things and your inner consciousness are one.


A single drop of water is not the whole ocean, but it does resemble the ocean and does contain within itself the same qualities and attributes.

What is that infinite power with which we are born?

That power is consciousness.

Consciousness is the beginning of creation. Consciousness is the infinite power we have and have always had.


Max Planck is the father of quantum Physics. This is what he said regarding reality and consciousness.


“When you change the way, you look at things, the things you look at change.”

All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

From Neville Goddard: Things have no reality other than in consciousness. Therefore, get consciousness first and the thing is compelled to appear.


“Man’s world in its every detail is his consciousness out pictured.” Goddard.


It is time to take a step back. To stop and think. You are the only being responsible for your life. Let that sink into your awareness and be free. You have free will. The free will to create the life that you desire. Thought, and Consciousness are the tools for all creation. Consciousness is equivalent to pure positive energy. It is perfect. When the Creator creates, a part of the creator’s consciousness becomes a part of the creation. Thus, the created is eternally connected to its-our creator.

Think of the Source/God/Creator as the Macro-creator. Universal Consciousness. We as a part of this consciousness creation are the Micro-Creators.

Recognize yourself as a co-creator. There is no giver of gifts to which you must pray. There is you, your awareness of being. You as part of the infinite creation, you as a co-creator.
