At least not in the long term. If it did, then why are new motivational-based books and techniques being released every year with new and improved solutions to a greater life? If they were working, we would not need new ones.

External solutions are temporary. You can become a goal setter, an achiever, set priorities, and of course. THINK POSITIVE. What is the wall that stands in the way? Have you wondered why things do not work out the way they should? Why do good things happen to some and not others? Sometimes growing into the person we’re meant to be, in contrast to the person we have been, seems impossible.

When transformational opportunities arise, they can trigger emotional and psychological alarms that pull us back and keep us from moving forward into a more positive reality.

“Our addictive habits and patterns are indicative of stored belief system existing as shame and unworthiness still present within our subconscious. It distrusts and holds us back from the state of grace, ease, love, pleasure, and freedom that is our natural birthright.”

But what if you could reach down and find what is stopping you and transmute it to a more positive belief system? You become the captain of your fate.

Happy, peace of mind, and a positive outlook on life. Think of it, you are told there are so many keys to success, but why can’t you unlock the door?

You have all seen, heard or attended rousing motivational speeches, seminars, you’ve read books, attended workshops, and what happened? Where did the inspiration go only days or a week later?

It actually is very simple; negative core beliefs generally hold us back from our highest potential. These beliefs are buried, and I like to think buried energetically in our subconscious.

Once you believe something —you’ll filter out evidence to the contrary. Someone who believes they’re stupid, for example, may chalk up a good grade on a test to luck or she may declare her success is a random fluke.

In addition, once you’ve developed a core belief, you’ll pay close attention to any evidence that reinforces your belief. So, if someone who believes she’s stupid passes nine tests but fails one, she’ll conclude the one failed test serves as further proof she’s unintelligent (as opposed to thinking the nine successful tests may mean she’s smart).

All of us have our own set of beliefs that shape our lives. This set of beliefs affects what we think about ourselves, others, and the world at large. It also greatly influences our emotions and actions. Consequently, it also affects how successful and happy we are.

A belief is something we consider to be a fact. It is anything that we assume to be true. We use our beliefs to understand and navigate this world. We also use our beliefs to keep us safe. That is why we try to preserve our beliefs after they are formed and guard them carefully.

Our beliefs serve to function as our subconscious autopilot. Once formed, these beliefs become ingrained in us. We take them for granted, and we also assume our beliefs to be factual, whether they actually are true or not.

Your subconscious mind is the storage place of all your memories, emotions and habits. It is the storehouse of all your deep-seated emotions that have been programmed since birth. If you want significant change at a core level, then this is the place to work on …

The Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

Between the ages of 0 – 7 are our programming years. During these years, children will spend most of their time in Alpha and Theta brainwave cycles, which is the same state that a person is in when they are in hypnosis or meditation. So, you may want to imagine yourself as a child walking around in a permanent state of hypnosis, being programmed by the environment, open to suggestion, in a super learning state.

These are the years when we take on beliefs, about ourselves and life, and many of these will remain unconscious throughout the rest of our lives, though they will show up in our behaviors, our achievements, our goals, how we choose our friends, our life partners and so on.

If you think about it, every belief that you have has been put there or suggested by somebody else.

Your ultimate success whether business or personal is dependent on your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. The way you currently think and believe will shape your world.

Your thoughts, (which are also energy) which are determined by the quality of your beliefs, which in turn form your perceptions, are broadcast outward into the infinite field of “wave” energy much like a radio frequency, transformed from waves (spiritual realm) to particles (matter) and join together with additional energies which vibrate at a harmonious frequency and collectively join to shape what you come to see and experience in physical form in the physical world. YOUR physical world.

You quite literally have the ability to mold and shape the various areas of your life, based on how you choose to think, believe and feel!!

We live in a world of pure potential as physicist David Bohm calls it. We live in a world where everything is possible, and science is now proving that through Quantum Physics.

Neville Goddard taught causative imagining. The premise is that we can ‘create’ our futures by ‘imagining’ what we want with feeling, gratitude, and the absolute belief that what we wanted ‘presently’ exists.

You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire. That is, you must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness. Concentrate your attention on the feeling that you are already that person. First, visualize the picture in your consciousness. Then feel yourself to be in that state as though it formed your surrounding world. By your imagination, that which was a mere mental image is changed into a seemingly solid reality. The great secret is a controlled imagination and well-sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.

Neville Goddard. The Power of Awareness

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”

– Gautama Buddha

The times that work best for transmuting negative beliefs and visualizing your life’s desires are at night or upon awakening in the morning. in bed falling into a dream-like state, the point where your subconscious mind is most susceptible to influence. The conscious moves out of the way and your subconscious is wide open to your positive suggestions.